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Is SonoFit Worth It? Comprehensive Review & Best Discount Offers

SonoFit has been catching the attention of many people who are searching for natural ways to improve their hearing health. This review will dive into the benefits, ingredients, pros and cons, and overall effectiveness of SonoFit. We'll also explore the scientific evidence behind its ingredients and give an honest opinion on whether it’s worth your investment.

What is SonoFit?


SonoFit is a dietary supplement aimed at supporting ear health and improving hearing. It’s made from a mix of natural oils and plant extracts, which are designed to tackle the root causes of hearing issues, such as inflammation and ototoxins. The goal is to enhance overall auditory health, making it a potentially valuable addition to your daily routine.

Visit SonoFit Website for Your Special Offer!

How Does SonoFit Work?

SonoFit works by using the therapeutic properties of its ingredients to reduce inflammation, protect the eardrum, and promote ear health. Regular use can lead to better hearing, less ear discomfort, and overall improvement in ear health. It's easy to use and can be a simple part of your daily routine.

Key Ingredients of SonoFit and Their Benefits

SonoFit Ingredients


Benefits: Helps with irritation, maintains a healthy inflammatory response, and keeps the eardrum hydrated.

Scientific Evidence: Studies show that Mullein can effectively reduce inflammation and soothe ear discomfort.

Garlic Oil

Benefits: Helps flush out toxins, balances vertigo symptoms, and relieves earaches.

Scientific Evidence: Research supports Garlic Oil's ability to reduce vertigo and ear discomfort.

Olive Oil

Benefits: Clears earwax, protects the eardrum, and is 100% cold-pressed.

Scientific Evidence: Olive Oil is proven to clear earwax and protect the eardrum from infections.

Lavender Oil

Benefits: Reduces inflammation and pain in the ear.

Scientific Evidence: Lavender Oil is well-documented for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Tea Tree Oil

Benefits: Aids in wound healing, acts as a natural bandage, and has calming effects.

Scientific Evidence: Tea Tree Oil is effective in treating ear infections and soothing ear discomfort.


Benefits: Prevents ear infections and is rich in antioxidants.

Scientific Evidence: Echinacea can help reduce ear infections and support overall ear health.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Benefits: Contains Omega-3 acids, helps with hearing loss, and provides nourishment.

Scientific Evidence: Pumpkin Seed Oil's Omega-3 acids are known to support ear health and prevent hearing loss.

DL-Alpha Tocopherol

Benefits: A type of Vitamin E that repairs skin and keeps the eardrum hydrated.

Scientific Evidence: This Vitamin E variant helps repair ear skin and maintain hydration.

Benefits of Using SonoFit Drops

Improved Hearing Quality

Many users report that SonoFit helps maintain and improve their hearing quality within weeks of use. They notice clearer sounds and less ear discomfort, making daily conversations more enjoyable.

Better Ear Health

Users have seen significant improvements in overall ear health, including reduced inflammation and better protection against infections. This makes SonoFit a valuable choice for those prone to ear issues.

Increased Energy and Vitality

By promoting relaxation and reducing ear-related discomfort, SonoFit can boost energy levels and overall well-being. It offers a holistic approach to ear health that benefits other areas of life.

Long-Term Health Benefits

Long-term users have noted better ear health markers, including fewer earaches and less frequent vertigo episodes. This suggests that SonoFit could offer sustainable support for ear health.

Pros and Cons of SonoFit 👍  👎

  • Natural Ingredients: Free from harmful chemicals and additives, making it a safer choice for many.
  • Ear Health Management: Comprehensive support for healthy hearing and overall ear health.
  • Ease of Use: Simple application process that fits easily into daily routines.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: The 60-day money-back guarantee provides a safety net for new users.
  • Portable Design: Compact and easy to use anywhere, enhancing convenience.
  • Availability: Only available for purchase through the official website, which can be limiting.
  • Price: Some may find it expensive compared to other ear health supplements.
  • Shipping Delays: High demand or external factors might cause potential delays in shipping.

Why You Should Avoid Buying SonoFit from Amazon and eBay ⚠️

SonoFit Amazon

While it might seem convenient to purchase SonoFit from marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, it's advisable to buy directly from the official website. Here’s why:

Risk of Counterfeit Products

Amazon and eBay can have third-party sellers offering counterfeit or expired products. These can be ineffective or even harmful. Buying directly from the official website ensures you get authentic SonoFit.

Lack of Manufacturer's Guarantee

The official website offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, which you won’t get from third-party sellers. This guarantee is crucial if the product doesn’t meet your expectations.

Potential Price Markups

Third-party sellers often increase prices to make a profit. The official website typically offers the best prices, along with occasional discounts and promotions.

No Access to Bonuses

Exclusive bonuses with multi-bottle purchases are only available through the official SonoFit website. These can add significant value to your purchase and support your ear health journey further.

Take a look at the picture below showing a FAKE version sold on Amazon. Notice how the ingredients are completely different from the authentic SonoFit  available on the official website.

Fake SonoFit Supplements Sold on Amazon

Why Choose SonoFit Over Other Supplements?

SonoFit distinguishes itself with a unique blend of natural ingredients and a holistic approach to ear health. Unlike supplements filled with synthetic chemicals, SonoFit offers a natural alternative designed to promote ear health and protect against common auditory issues.

My Honest Opinion and Realistic Expectations

Does It Work? 🤔

Many testimonials and reviews suggest that SonoFit is effective for improving hearing and supporting overall ear health. Most users notice improvements within weeks of daily use. However, results can vary, and it’s important to manage expectations realistically.

Realistic Expectations

While SonoFit can support ear health and improve hearing quality, it’s not a miracle cure. It’s most effective when used consistently and combined with healthy habits like avoiding loud noises and maintaining good ear hygiene.


SonoFit offers a natural and effective way to manage ear health and improve hearing. Its unique blend of eight natural ingredients sets it apart from other supplements on the market. While it may be pricier and only available online, the benefits and positive user experiences make it a worthwhile investment for those looking to enhance their ear health. Always purchase from the official website to avoid counterfeit products and ensure you receive the highest quality supplement.

Visit SonoFit Website for Your Special Offer!

P.S: Have you tried SonoFit? I'd love to hear your reviews in the comments below!

Scientific References

Altissimi G, Colizza A, Cianfrone G, et al. Drugs inducing hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo: an updated guide. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2020 Aug 1;24(15):7946-52.
Amplifon. Ototoxicity: which drugs can cause hearing loss or tinnitus [Internet]. Amplifon. Amplifon; 2021 [cited 2022 Sep 5].
Arreola R, Quintero-Fabián S, López-Roa RI, et al. Immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects of garlic compounds. Journal of immunology research. 2015 Oct;2015.
Bisht M, Bist SS. Ototoxicity: the hidden menace. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2011 Jul;63(3):255-9.
Brooks DN. An onion in your ear. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 1986 Sep;100(9):1043-6.Budhiraja SS, Cullum ME, Sioutis SS, et al. Biological activity of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil component, terpinen-4-ol, in human myelocytic cell line HL-60. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics. 1999 Sep 1;22(7):447-53.
Carson CF, Hammer KA, Riley TV. Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: A Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties. Clinical Microbiology Reviews [Internet]. 2006 Jan 1;19(1):50–62.
Cordeiro L, Figueiredo P, Souza H, et al. Terpinen-4-ol as an Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Agent against Staphylococcus aureus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020 Jun 25;21(12):4531.
Das J, Ramani R, Suraju MO. Polyphenol compounds and PKC signaling. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects. 2016 Oct 1;1860(10):2107-21.
Eraslan G, Kanbur M, Aslan Ö, et al. The antioxidant effects of pumpkin seed oil on subacute aflatoxin poisoning in mice. Environmental toxicology. 2013 Dec;28(12):681-8.
Hammill TL, Campbell KC. Protection for medication-induced hearing loss: the state of the science. International Journal of Audiology. 2018 Aug 24;57(sup4): S87-95.
Javanbakht MH, Keshavarz SA, Djalali M, et al. Randomized controlled trial using vitamins E and D supplementation in atopic dermatitis. Journal of dermatological treatment. 2011 Jun 1;22(3):144-50.
Kandeil MAM, Hassanin KMAA, Mohammed ET, et al. Pumpkin and Vitamin E as Potent Modulators of Apoptosis in Gentamicin-induced Rat Nephrotoxicity. Asian Journal of Biochemistry [Internet]. 2018 Apr 11 [cited 2022 Sep 5];13(1):1–8.
Lai TW, Cheng HL, Su TR, et al. Cichoric Acid May Play a Role in Protecting Hair Cells from Ototoxic Drugs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Jan;23(12):6701.
Sarrell EM, Cohen HA, Kahan E. Naturopathic treatment for ear pain in children. Pediatrics. 2003 May;111(5):e574-9.
Mason MJ, Farr MRB. Flexibility within the middle ears of vertebrates. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology [Internet]. 2013 Jan 1 [cited 2022 Sep 5];127(1):2–14.
Rybak LP, Ramkumar V. Ototoxicity. Kidney international. 2007 Oct 2;72(8):931-5.
Seligmann H, Podoshin L, Ben-David J, et al. Drug-induced tinnitus and other hearing disorders. Drug Safety. 1996 Mar;14(3):198-212.
Melchart D, Linde K, Worku F, et al. Immunomodulation with Echinacea—a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. Phytomedicine. 1994 Dec 1;1(3):245-54.
Miller SC. Echinacea: a miracle herb against aging and cancer? Evidence in vivo in mice. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2005 Sep 1;2(3):309-14.
Mori HM, Kawanami H, Kawahata H, et al. Wound healing potential of lavender oil by acceleration of granulation and wound contraction through induction of TGF-β in a rat model. BMC complementary and alternative medicine. 2016 Dec;16(1):1-1.
Panahi Y, Akhavan A, Sahebkar A, et al. Investigation of the effectiveness of Syzygium aromaticum, Lavandula angustifolia and Geranium robertianum essential oils in the treatment of acute external otitis: A comparative trial with ciprofloxacin. Journal of microbiology, immunology and infection. 2014 Jun 1;47(3):211-6.
Peterfalvi A, Miko E, Nagy T, et al. Much more than a pleasant scent: A review on essential oils supporting the immune system. Molecules. 2019 Dec 11;24(24):4530.
Rajbhandari M, Mentel R, Jha PK, et al. Antiviral activity of some plants used in Nepalese traditional medicine. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2009 Dec 1;6(4):517-22.
Roberts LE, Eggermont JJ, Caspary DM, et al. Ringing ears: the neuroscience of tinnitus. Journal of Neuroscience. 2010 Nov 10;30(45):14972-9.
Rodgers R. Does olive oil prevent earwax build-up? An experimental study. Practice Nursing. 2013 Apr;24(4):191-6.
Romero C, Medina E, Vargas J, et al. In vitro activity of olive oil polyphenols against Helicobacter pylori. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2019 Nov 26];55(3):680–6.


This review is based on our personal opinions and the information we have available. Results may vary. If you have a serious medical condition, we suggest consulting with a physician before using any supplement. The information on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your doctor before using any supplements.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase an item, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Regardless, we only recommend products or services which we use personally and/or believe will add value to our readers. We disclose this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials.

Is SonoFit Worth It? Comprehensive Review & Best Discount Offers

Is SonoFit Worth It? Comprehensive Review & Best Discount Offers

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Is SonoFit Worth It? Comprehensive Review & Best Discount Offers

SonoFit has been catching the attention of many people who are searching for natural ways to improve their hearing health. This review will dive into the benefits, ingredients, pros and cons, and overall effectiveness of SonoFit. We'll also explore the scientific evidence behind its ingredients and give an honest opinion on whether it’s worth your investment.

What is SonoFit?


SonoFit is a dietary supplement aimed at supporting ear health and improving hearing. It’s made from a mix of natural oils and plant extracts, which are designed to tackle the root causes of hearing issues, such as inflammation and ototoxins. The goal is to enhance overall auditory health, making it a potentially valuable addition to your daily routine.

Visit SonoFit Website for Your Special Offer!

How Does SonoFit Work?

SonoFit works by using the therapeutic properties of its ingredients to reduce inflammation, protect the eardrum, and promote ear health. Regular use can lead to better hearing, less ear discomfort, and overall improvement in ear health. It's easy to use and can be a simple part of your daily routine.

Key Ingredients of SonoFit and Their Benefits

SonoFit Ingredients


Benefits: Helps with irritation, maintains a healthy inflammatory response, and keeps the eardrum hydrated.

Scientific Evidence: Studies show that Mullein can effectively reduce inflammation and soothe ear discomfort.

Garlic Oil

Benefits: Helps flush out toxins, balances vertigo symptoms, and relieves earaches.

Scientific Evidence: Research supports Garlic Oil's ability to reduce vertigo and ear discomfort.

Olive Oil

Benefits: Clears earwax, protects the eardrum, and is 100% cold-pressed.

Scientific Evidence: Olive Oil is proven to clear earwax and protect the eardrum from infections.

Lavender Oil

Benefits: Reduces inflammation and pain in the ear.

Scientific Evidence: Lavender Oil is well-documented for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Tea Tree Oil

Benefits: Aids in wound healing, acts as a natural bandage, and has calming effects.

Scientific Evidence: Tea Tree Oil is effective in treating ear infections and soothing ear discomfort.


Benefits: Prevents ear infections and is rich in antioxidants.

Scientific Evidence: Echinacea can help reduce ear infections and support overall ear health.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Benefits: Contains Omega-3 acids, helps with hearing loss, and provides nourishment.

Scientific Evidence: Pumpkin Seed Oil's Omega-3 acids are known to support ear health and prevent hearing loss.

DL-Alpha Tocopherol

Benefits: A type of Vitamin E that repairs skin and keeps the eardrum hydrated.

Scientific Evidence: This Vitamin E variant helps repair ear skin and maintain hydration.

Benefits of Using SonoFit Drops

Improved Hearing Quality

Many users report that SonoFit helps maintain and improve their hearing quality within weeks of use. They notice clearer sounds and less ear discomfort, making daily conversations more enjoyable.

Better Ear Health

Users have seen significant improvements in overall ear health, including reduced inflammation and better protection against infections. This makes SonoFit a valuable choice for those prone to ear issues.

Increased Energy and Vitality

By promoting relaxation and reducing ear-related discomfort, SonoFit can boost energy levels and overall well-being. It offers a holistic approach to ear health that benefits other areas of life.

Long-Term Health Benefits

Long-term users have noted better ear health markers, including fewer earaches and less frequent vertigo episodes. This suggests that SonoFit could offer sustainable support for ear health.

Pros and Cons of SonoFit 👍  👎

  • Natural Ingredients: Free from harmful chemicals and additives, making it a safer choice for many.
  • Ear Health Management: Comprehensive support for healthy hearing and overall ear health.
  • Ease of Use: Simple application process that fits easily into daily routines.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: The 60-day money-back guarantee provides a safety net for new users.
  • Portable Design: Compact and easy to use anywhere, enhancing convenience.
  • Availability: Only available for purchase through the official website, which can be limiting.
  • Price: Some may find it expensive compared to other ear health supplements.
  • Shipping Delays: High demand or external factors might cause potential delays in shipping.

Why You Should Avoid Buying SonoFit from Amazon and eBay ⚠️

SonoFit Amazon

While it might seem convenient to purchase SonoFit from marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, it's advisable to buy directly from the official website. Here’s why:

Risk of Counterfeit Products

Amazon and eBay can have third-party sellers offering counterfeit or expired products. These can be ineffective or even harmful. Buying directly from the official website ensures you get authentic SonoFit.

Lack of Manufacturer's Guarantee

The official website offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, which you won’t get from third-party sellers. This guarantee is crucial if the product doesn’t meet your expectations.

Potential Price Markups

Third-party sellers often increase prices to make a profit. The official website typically offers the best prices, along with occasional discounts and promotions.

No Access to Bonuses

Exclusive bonuses with multi-bottle purchases are only available through the official SonoFit website. These can add significant value to your purchase and support your ear health journey further.

Take a look at the picture below showing a FAKE version sold on Amazon. Notice how the ingredients are completely different from the authentic SonoFit  available on the official website.

Fake SonoFit Supplements Sold on Amazon

Why Choose SonoFit Over Other Supplements?

SonoFit distinguishes itself with a unique blend of natural ingredients and a holistic approach to ear health. Unlike supplements filled with synthetic chemicals, SonoFit offers a natural alternative designed to promote ear health and protect against common auditory issues.

My Honest Opinion and Realistic Expectations

Does It Work? 🤔

Many testimonials and reviews suggest that SonoFit is effective for improving hearing and supporting overall ear health. Most users notice improvements within weeks of daily use. However, results can vary, and it’s important to manage expectations realistically.

Realistic Expectations

While SonoFit can support ear health and improve hearing quality, it’s not a miracle cure. It’s most effective when used consistently and combined with healthy habits like avoiding loud noises and maintaining good ear hygiene.


SonoFit offers a natural and effective way to manage ear health and improve hearing. Its unique blend of eight natural ingredients sets it apart from other supplements on the market. While it may be pricier and only available online, the benefits and positive user experiences make it a worthwhile investment for those looking to enhance their ear health. Always purchase from the official website to avoid counterfeit products and ensure you receive the highest quality supplement.

Visit SonoFit Website for Your Special Offer!

P.S: Have you tried SonoFit? I'd love to hear your reviews in the comments below!

Scientific References

Altissimi G, Colizza A, Cianfrone G, et al. Drugs inducing hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo: an updated guide. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2020 Aug 1;24(15):7946-52.
Amplifon. Ototoxicity: which drugs can cause hearing loss or tinnitus [Internet]. Amplifon. Amplifon; 2021 [cited 2022 Sep 5].
Arreola R, Quintero-Fabián S, López-Roa RI, et al. Immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects of garlic compounds. Journal of immunology research. 2015 Oct;2015.
Bisht M, Bist SS. Ototoxicity: the hidden menace. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2011 Jul;63(3):255-9.
Brooks DN. An onion in your ear. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 1986 Sep;100(9):1043-6.Budhiraja SS, Cullum ME, Sioutis SS, et al. Biological activity of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil component, terpinen-4-ol, in human myelocytic cell line HL-60. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics. 1999 Sep 1;22(7):447-53.
Carson CF, Hammer KA, Riley TV. Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: A Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties. Clinical Microbiology Reviews [Internet]. 2006 Jan 1;19(1):50–62.
Cordeiro L, Figueiredo P, Souza H, et al. Terpinen-4-ol as an Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Agent against Staphylococcus aureus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020 Jun 25;21(12):4531.
Das J, Ramani R, Suraju MO. Polyphenol compounds and PKC signaling. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects. 2016 Oct 1;1860(10):2107-21.
Eraslan G, Kanbur M, Aslan Ö, et al. The antioxidant effects of pumpkin seed oil on subacute aflatoxin poisoning in mice. Environmental toxicology. 2013 Dec;28(12):681-8.
Hammill TL, Campbell KC. Protection for medication-induced hearing loss: the state of the science. International Journal of Audiology. 2018 Aug 24;57(sup4): S87-95.
Javanbakht MH, Keshavarz SA, Djalali M, et al. Randomized controlled trial using vitamins E and D supplementation in atopic dermatitis. Journal of dermatological treatment. 2011 Jun 1;22(3):144-50.
Kandeil MAM, Hassanin KMAA, Mohammed ET, et al. Pumpkin and Vitamin E as Potent Modulators of Apoptosis in Gentamicin-induced Rat Nephrotoxicity. Asian Journal of Biochemistry [Internet]. 2018 Apr 11 [cited 2022 Sep 5];13(1):1–8.
Lai TW, Cheng HL, Su TR, et al. Cichoric Acid May Play a Role in Protecting Hair Cells from Ototoxic Drugs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Jan;23(12):6701.
Sarrell EM, Cohen HA, Kahan E. Naturopathic treatment for ear pain in children. Pediatrics. 2003 May;111(5):e574-9.
Mason MJ, Farr MRB. Flexibility within the middle ears of vertebrates. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology [Internet]. 2013 Jan 1 [cited 2022 Sep 5];127(1):2–14.
Rybak LP, Ramkumar V. Ototoxicity. Kidney international. 2007 Oct 2;72(8):931-5.
Seligmann H, Podoshin L, Ben-David J, et al. Drug-induced tinnitus and other hearing disorders. Drug Safety. 1996 Mar;14(3):198-212.
Melchart D, Linde K, Worku F, et al. Immunomodulation with Echinacea—a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. Phytomedicine. 1994 Dec 1;1(3):245-54.
Miller SC. Echinacea: a miracle herb against aging and cancer? Evidence in vivo in mice. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2005 Sep 1;2(3):309-14.
Mori HM, Kawanami H, Kawahata H, et al. Wound healing potential of lavender oil by acceleration of granulation and wound contraction through induction of TGF-β in a rat model. BMC complementary and alternative medicine. 2016 Dec;16(1):1-1.
Panahi Y, Akhavan A, Sahebkar A, et al. Investigation of the effectiveness of Syzygium aromaticum, Lavandula angustifolia and Geranium robertianum essential oils in the treatment of acute external otitis: A comparative trial with ciprofloxacin. Journal of microbiology, immunology and infection. 2014 Jun 1;47(3):211-6.
Peterfalvi A, Miko E, Nagy T, et al. Much more than a pleasant scent: A review on essential oils supporting the immune system. Molecules. 2019 Dec 11;24(24):4530.
Rajbhandari M, Mentel R, Jha PK, et al. Antiviral activity of some plants used in Nepalese traditional medicine. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2009 Dec 1;6(4):517-22.
Roberts LE, Eggermont JJ, Caspary DM, et al. Ringing ears: the neuroscience of tinnitus. Journal of Neuroscience. 2010 Nov 10;30(45):14972-9.
Rodgers R. Does olive oil prevent earwax build-up? An experimental study. Practice Nursing. 2013 Apr;24(4):191-6.
Romero C, Medina E, Vargas J, et al. In vitro activity of olive oil polyphenols against Helicobacter pylori. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2019 Nov 26];55(3):680–6.


This review is based on our personal opinions and the information we have available. Results may vary. If you have a serious medical condition, we suggest consulting with a physician before using any supplement. The information on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your doctor before using any supplements.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase an item, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Regardless, we only recommend products or services which we use personally and/or believe will add value to our readers. We disclose this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials.